
Exoskeleton developed for Indian Army

Current Affairs

Exoskeleton developed for Indian Army

As per recent development in the field of defense, Defense Research and Development Organization(DRDO) which is India’s largest Defense research organization has made significant progress in the field of developing Exoskeleton technology for Indian Armed Forces.

What is Exoskeleton Technology?

An exoskeleton is a wearable machine that allows movement of solders with increased strength and endurance. In simple terms exoskeleton means that 100kg of battle load carried by a soldier just weights 4.5kg which gives competitive edge to the in wartime as it improves endurance.

This technology once developed, can help the Indian Armed Forces in improving there troop movement as fatigue is reduced, it can help in the areas of ladakh, Siachen Glacier, deserts of Rajasthan and other places with extreme weather conditions.

According to many defense technology experts the Exoskeleton will be the future of Warefare in 21st Century.

Watch: Rostec Arms Russian Troops With 300,000 'Ratnik' Exoskeleton Suits  For Next-Gen Warfare
An Exoskeleton which is worn by a Russian Soldier with battle load on back which weights more than 100 kgs.

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Following are the words to learn:

1.Endurance-It means how a person deals in challenging situation. In context to this article endurance means how soldier deals in challenging situation like War gets improved.

2.Fatigue- Fatigue means tiredness. In context of this article fatigue gets decreased with the usage of exoskeleton technology.

3. Competitive edge– It means getting upper hand in comparison of the competitor.

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