
Space war and India!

Current Affairs

Space war and India!

What is space war?

Space war is a new generation era of warfare in which an attempt is made to neutralize the aggressor in the outer space. The scope of space war is very wide as it covers plethora of domains like satellite being attacked by another satellite, ground to ground to space attack etc.

Anti satellite weapon system is a very futuristic technology on which superpowers like United States and erstwhile Soviet Union have been working since the 1950’s era so that during combat situations a blow can be given to the enemy country by compromising their communication networks and other devices dependent on satellites. Currently, these technology is possessed by 4 nations namely-India, China, Russia and United States.

As the China has done territorial claims and has border issues with almost all the south east nations, for instance claiming Sinkaku Island of Japan, Arunachal Pradesh of India and recent military confrontation near Galwan valley along with China aims to achieve military superiority in comparison with India. Hence, it is very important for India to counter China in every domain and India seems to be successful by developing world class missile systems, processing high precision images from satellite and having a tested anti satellite weapons all of which provide us an edge while safeguarding our vast and diverse land borders and vast Indian ocean region.

Moreover, India is also developing other technology like quantum computing so that we can no country can disrupt the communication network during a warfare like situation, simultaneously this futuristic weapons can be used by Army, Navy and Airforce and hence make India “Atmanirbhar” in space domain and establish an image of new, innovative and confident India.

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