
Advantages of Online Learning


Advantages of Online Learning

Hello folks! today I will discuss with you the advantages of online learning, which will help you take a wise decision in today’s era where options for the modes of learning are unlimited.


Advantages of Online Learning:

1.Efficiency:Online learning improves the efficiency of educator, as a person teaching can make use of animated videos, podcasts, different colors to explain which helps in making teaching learning process efficient.

2.Optimum Cost: This is one of the benefit of online learning that the cost of imparting the education is comparatively less as due to extensive use of technology the requirement of physical infrastructure like (Classroom) and other recurring expenses gets decreased.

3.Studying while working: Online learning is a real blessing for working professional who want to advance their career and learn new skill-sets. According to a study conducted by Pearson group 66% of the adult prefer to study online due to increased flexibility.

4.Reduced commuting time: Commuting time gets significantly reduced as learners can attend the classes from his/her convenience of home and hence saving further cost.

5.Increased Diversity: As Online learning has global reach and user friendly applications like (Zoom, Google Meet), etc. helps making class very diverse and hence it improves the quality of teaching-learning experience, which further helps learners in getting diverse perspective of world.

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