
Beyond the horizon: Industry 4.O


Beyond the horizon: Industry 4.O

The Indian Education system and going beyond the horizon in something very contradictory in opinion. But, if India wants to project itself as a superpower we need to understand certain aspects like what are the problems we are facing in this transition period and what can be the potential solutions.


1.Lower stipend and encouragement for research: As per data of 2019 we spend only 0.65% of our GDP on research oriented activities which is far lesser than the requirement of the large and ambitious Indian population. Quality research can only happen when there the competitive wages are given to the researchers.

2.Wastage of Resources: Due to lack of transparency and bureaucratic system in which there is no proper delegation of authority and systematic corruption further worsens the problem. This problem is specifically seen in public schools where there is lot of duplication of efforts.

3. Excessive reliance on coaching institutes: Firstly, I am not against the economic activity of running a coaching institute but I clearly oppose the mentality of teachers and students that, former thinks that I will teach properly in coaching because I get there better remuneration and latter thinks that I can study seriously in coaching institute because teachers don’t take enough effort. This vicious cycle of blame-game makes efficiency of education very less.

4.Not giving equal respect to all fields: Judging a person on the basis of the field that a person has chosen and not giving equal importance to every field and career options increases the pressure on few evergreen options which is not in favor of a country which has majority of it’s population as youth.

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1.Blended Learning: Blended learning is something which involves best parts of online learning and offline learning both. For eg, some part of academics can be taught online and other important aspects of holistic learning like team building, coordination, management and people skills.

2.Focusing on research: We have to focus on research, and encourage researchers to research on various aspects of innovation in their respective field, provided they have state of the art facility.

3.Encouraging collaboration with start-ups: Government should encourage collaboration with start-up in the space of ed-tech to offer customized and innovative solution to the diverse education system of India.

4.Focusing on imparting technical education: Technical education related to the specific field like how to use Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc should be encouraged.

5.Focusing on Yoga and Meditation: Focusing on yoga and Meditation is very important for inner wellbeing, developing intellectual curiosity, achieving clarity of mind and being calm in this highly competitive world.

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