
The leadership lesson Indian Army teaches..

Personality Development

The leadership lesson Indian Army teaches..

1.The spirit of an offensive mindset: The spirit of an offensive mindset means there should be very aggressive feeling to stare in the eyes of enemy and achieve the mission which is preplanned.

The same can be implemented in our life by conquering the fear of failure in competitive exams<like IETS,GMAT,GRE>, or mastering grammatical and English speaking skills by giving yourself hope that with an offensive mindset I can ace the skills to excel.

2.Discipline is Backbone: Soldiers are very strict about this, whether it is about guarding our vast borders or help in scaling up the infrastructure in the severe second wave of COVID-19 Pandemic.

3.Being Positive: It is very important to be positive in terrible situation or a scenario which is full of crisis. A calm mind is a creative mind and very important to face unforeseeable and challenging situation.

The same is very important when you are trying to master topic while improving your weaknesses with a cool mind.

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